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Tanjung Puting National Park Indonesia is home to endemic Orangutan species and various other wildlife, it naturally makes this national park the best whimsical getaway to spend your holiday at. Take an adventure down the Sekonyer river and trek down the lush national park to see for yourself the protected home of central Kalimantan’s brilliant inhabitants.

The 300.040 hectares (741,100 acres) park rests on the peninsula on the south coast of the world’s third-largest tropical Borneo rainforest, in the province of Central Kalimantan. Started as a game reserve for the protection of orangutans in 1936 and 1937, it was upgraded to a National Park in 1982. It is the only protected area in South East Asia with a vast tract of wetlands, lowlands, mature tropical heath, and swamp forests. It has large rookeries that provide breeding grounds for a wide waterfowl population. The needs of Orangutans and other primates are also available in the park, such as the 400 species of trees which can be consumed by them.

In Tanjung Puting National Park, you will see the orangutans – a lot of ex-captive orangutans – rehabilitated in the park. You will also meet the king of this area, the largest and the oldest orangutan who is still living in a wilderness of a national park.

The romantic forest, the romantic river, and the romantic atmosphere of the park also offer different experiences, especially for those who want to have an adventurous honeymoon

Tanjung Puting National Park General Info

Physical Feature

The soils in the park consist of yellow-red podsolic, laterite, organosol, podsol, glei humus, and alluvial. the area is predominantly flat, undulating to an altitude of 0-100 above sea level. Based on Schmidt and Ferguson Climate Classification, the park is included in the A and B types with a mean annual rainfall of 2,400 mm, falling mainly in the rainy season (September-February). The area’s relative humidity ranges between 55 and 98 percent, and the temperature varies from 22 – 32 degrees Celsius.

Flora & Fauna

Among the tree species commonly found are Ramin, Kayu Besi (ironwood), Meranti (Shorea sp.), and Keruing (Dipterocarpus). all of them have high value for the industry. Other plants such as Bakung, Pandanus tectorius, and Nypa sp. grow on the riverside.

The park is also rich in wildlife with the most commonly seen being Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus sp), the best-known species that makes the National Park best known. You also can find Proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), a large monkey that is found only in Borneo, long tail macaque, birds (especially hornbills, kingfishers, myna, oriental darter and over 220 bird species). Furthermore, the list of fauna living in the park includes the occasionally can be seen: Agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), grey gibbon, red leaf monkey, Malayan sun bear, estuarine crocodile false ghavial. The rivers together with the swamps and seasonal lake rookeries support the life of many species of fish that have very high values in terms of ecology and economy.



Located about 30 minutes to the right from the branch of the Sekonyer river. Camp Leakey was established in 1971 to support research activities in Tanjung Puting National Park Indonesia. Now, this area also functions as an orangutan rehabilitation center. The Camp and surrounding area are designated as a special utility zone. Over the years, the camp has served the research efforts of several scientists and students. Tourists will be able to walk on certain trails of the trail system without disturbing the research activities. On the way to Camp Leakey (on Sekonyer Simpang Kanan river), you may occasionally see crocodiles and false gavials.


The first guard post in the park was constructed in the late 1970s. Tanjung Harapan was the original site of the Sekonyer Village, which was moved across the Sekonyer river. The area surrounding is designated as a utilization zone. In this area, several facilities for park management as well as for visitors have been constructed. Tanjung Harapan is also an alternate orangutan center.


New established a rehabilitation center for orangutans. Located between Tanjung Harapan and Natai Lengkuas, these are also designated as special utilization zone.

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